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Home of science fiction and fantasy author Shane Lochlann Black
Bookstore Hero Ebook

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More than 60 pages of Valuable Insight for Independent Authors!

Self-Publishing 2.0 is here,
and you needed to be ready two years ago!

If you are an author, you need your own bookstore like a fat man needs a walk.

Three technologies have converged since 2021. They stand ready to provide you with a unique opportunity to market your work, whether it is fiction, non-fiction or other. But before you join the next self-publishing revolution you need to divest yourself of the myths you have been fed for the last decade.

In Bookstore Hero science fiction and fantasy author Shane Lochlann Black will show you how to build a completely vertical publishing business at a negative cost. You will learn how to make money while marketing your titles. You will also own what you produce and keep almost all the revenue from your sales.

This isn't guru-talk, and there's no upsell later. There's no course to take and there will be no pricey webinars. This isn't get-rich-quick. This is a hard-won boots-on-the-ground business model that produced in six months what it took 12 years to achieve using the old system.

If you put the model in this book into practice, and make even the minimum required progress, this book will pay for itself in a matter of hours.

Like all things that work, this program is simple, easy to understand and requires nothing but dedication and hard work. But like all technology events, this opportunity will be short-lived. You only have a limited time to take advantage.

And the clock is ticking.

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Shane Lochlann Black
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