When a routine public relations event at a local high school involves the officers of DSS Argent in a bullying incident between a career-minded teacher and an alienated student, Captain Jason Hunter realizes Jefferson Academy's attempt to appropriate the fleet's good will is at best a public relations stunt and at worst a cynical way for lazy teachers to protect their jobs and budgets.
A visit to a nearby padlocked library confirms the captain's fears. The only way to protect the students and their future is for Hunter to use his experience and knowledge to build a new educational program for them: One that will motivate and inspire true excellence and possibly even produce a future hero or two.
The captain knows all too well his unorthodox approach to education and the tiny company of alienated students that join him might be humanity's last line of defense against mediocrity. It might also turn out the new misfits are more like the old misfits than Argent's officers want to admit!
Hunter's team will have every advantage. They will enjoy the most advanced gear, the latest technology and the opportunity to perform missions regular fleet and marine personnel can't. They will also face the same adversaries as Argent's officers, and a few new enemies to be sure. But first, the Silver Eagles will have to learn to walk before they can take flight!