Forward Operating Base Alaska was just like Sergeant Alexander remembered it. The structure was still intact, despite the incredible discharges of destructive energy that had taken place inside it. His ATMAS handheld was busy scanning for any trace of organic life. It had already alerted the team to the presence of particulate bromine and a higher than normal concentration of sulfuric acid, even in the interior atmosphere.

Moo stopped at a communications station that appeared to have power. “Computer systems are down. If we’re going to get a systems status, we’re going to have to do it manually.”

“Is there a schematic? If we can find the armory, we might be able to get some exo suits. The acid concentration in the atmosphere is going to become hazardous before long. If the base has any weather probes, that’s where they’ll be stored.”

“Good call, Alexander,” Moo said, holding his weapon at the ready and peering down the access corridor towards the water purifiers. “This base might have a sub-level for storage. If so, it might still be intact, even if the war was fought up here. The electrical map indicates a large access door and stairs at the end of this hallway. Any life signs?”

“Negative. It’s possible someone could still be alive here if they have a completely self contained support unit, but after five days, they may have run out of internal power or air or both.”

“All the interlocks are deactivated. That’s odd,” Moo said as he examined the communications console output further. “It’s like someone turned off all the security systems. If they were under attack, why would they kill the security grid?”

“Perhaps enemy forces did that after the 98th retreated.”

“But to where? According to these readings, the first fight must have taken place here. If we had the ship’s sensors we could track them, but that’s wishful thinking.”

“Charton’s transmission indicated the 98th requested evac north of here, at Executioner’s Ridge.” Alexander checked the ATMAS again. “Nothing organic in or around sub-level access, sir. The magnetic field in here is fluctuating, probably due to the energy disruption.”

“Here’s one piece of good news. The capsule reactor is operational, wherever it is.”

“Power is everything,” Alexander muttered. “I have its coordinates. We can access the reactor assembly through the sub-level bearing eight two.”

“Recon’s reputation is intact, sergeant. Let’s see what we can see.” Moo led the way down the access corridor.

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