Be advised 98th Marine Recon has engaged enemy armor at Hallows Moon at time out mark zero point seven. Sustained heavy casualties. Attempted regroup and counteroffensive at Executioner's Ridge. Contact lost with line command. All telemetry offline. Surviving fire teams requesting evac at coordinates seven six one break four one--


The percussive thump of detonation reports sounded in the distance. Each was carried into the sky by a bracing unrestrained gale force wind. The ominous shadow of a maimed SX8 fast tank turret dominated the dreary sky over the battlefield known colloquially as Executioner's Ridge. The very soil itself was a good ten degrees warmer than it would otherwise be due to the apocalyptic destructive energies that had exploded over it only hours earlier.

A few yards away, the gutted hull of an SX12 recon tracker was still pouring black smoke into the raging storm. Hundred-foot-wide impact scars from orbital energy weapons were scattered in all directions. A discarded handheld scanner crackled with the noise produced by the partially ionized atmosphere. Scraps of tac suits, broken weapons and smashed power-armor littered the pale ground. The smaller of the twin Bayone suns was only partially visible over the southern horizon, casting long shadows across the destruction.

Seated in a twisted pose against an undamaged track still attached to the SX8's chassis was the only apparent survivor of the engagement. He was suffering from two broken legs and a rapidly worsening head contusion. In one hand he held an exhausted blaster pistol. In the other was his commlink. It was set to repeater mode and still broadcasting the evac signal ordered by his long since vanished platoon commander.

A murky shape moved from behind part of a crashed paladin bomber hull. The strike sergeant recognized the shiny carapace and the alien insectoid motion at once. He reflexively inhaled and cringed as the adrenaline intensified the pain from his injuries. With only moments to react, he used every last ounce of his remaining strength to raise his weapon. His hands shook as he took aim.

He forced a dehydrated and exhausted bellow from his strained throat and fired into the charging creature's face and eyes again and again and again...

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Shane Lochlann Black
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