Yili’s commlink booted. After a few seconds of self-diagnostics, the universal transceiver controls activated and a pleasant tone sounded, indicating the device’s voice interface was functional. Yili configured the channel selector to transmit only to her boat’s autosystems. She could barely make a sound for lack of air.

“Medical emergency.”

Seconds later, Yili heard movement in the tail section storage compartment. A bulkhead port handle moved far above her and the hatch opened to reveal a painfully bright light. Yili closed her eyes and turned her head to avoid the glare. A soft hum gradually became louder as the area around the spot where Yili had fallen became illuminated by the Angel’s running lights. Yili winced as the unit’s arms reached under her legs and shoulders and lifted her off the cold surface of the boat’s bulkhead and floor.

She felt a momentary pressure across her back and neck and then her weight settled into a comfortable berth. The airlock closed at her feet. Her ears popped as the Angel’s interior pressurized and a flawlessly balanced atmosphere filled the chamber and warmed to a constant temperature of seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit. A blue-white glow appeared from beneath the interior floor of the rescue unit. An oxygen mask appeared and was gently attached to Yili’s face. A flood of oxygen-rich air caused her to reflexively inhale deeply. Her head pounded with the after-effects of oxygen deprivation. She felt a pressure sleeve slide under her arm and attach itself. Sedatives and plasma flowed. Within seconds, Yili was unconscious.

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Brought to you by
Shane Lochlann Black
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